Here are best upcoming games for android that are similar like pubg


H1z1 is a battle royal game for android coming this year its trailer has already been launched on youtube. This game will be a high graphic game. 

Call of duty-android

Call of duty is soon releasing its game on android platform which will be a game with many great expectations. This game will surely bring the craze of pubg down. Pubg will also be keeping a eye on it.


Fortnite is another game which will be a tough game for android after conquering a great market in pc gaming now.fortnite is releasing its android version soon. 

Stealth tracking

Stealth tracking is another great game for android this game has already released its trailer on YouTube for its android version. With great graphics this game has surely attracted a large number of people into it.

These are the upcoming games like pubg comment down below and tell which game should you think could have entered the list.